The time … I overpaid for chicken

So Friday i was supposed to cook only for that evening as we were invited for lunch Saturday.

I went to the close by kosher supermarket and bought a small pack of chicken breast to cook for the kids.

Husband came home and saw the pack of chicken with the price on it, I believe it was $10/pound. Inflation is happening, Biden happened so don’t expect for prices to go down.

So his comment was :”this is a ridiculous price for chicken, maybe next time drive to the next town over to get it cheaper” …

Ok, so next town over is 35 minutes by car. Gas price is close to $5/gallon, maximum saving on a pack of chicken is probably a few bucks. Honestly it makes absolutely no sense.

In the meantime the day before he went to visit his parents who live in another town and there prices are a bit cheaper but he didn’t think of buying the cheaper chicken there but I have to go out of my way, waste time and especially gas, to save $2 on a chicken.

Honestly nothing he says makes sense, I noticed this a few years back but I have been noticing it more and more as the time passed by. Maybe it’s a first sign of dementia? Who knows.

I wish I answered him but I honestly just realized that I became passive aggressive, I won’t voice my thoughts and I just shut down giving the silence treatment. I can only communicate through text message with him and sometimes when I feel the frustration build up I would send him a message but that would just make him angrier.

Welcome to my life, I wish I was on my own with my kids, I wish I made enough money to be able to easily afford raising the kids on my own but I don’t, I don’t even have a job although I am trying to figure out what I can do.

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